AppMaker Info Center

Having problems using this service?
If you have any problems using this service, please feel free to contact us on
How does an AppMaker app perform? Will it handle media well, or does it load slow?
Videos and other media load quickly using the app. If there is no censorship in your region, the app works as quickly as any other app on your phone. If there is censorship in your region, the app will take slightly longer to deliver content to your device.
The general performance data of AppMaker apps compared to other circumvention tools can be found at Please refer to “FreeBrowser”.
Will it work anywhere there’s censorship?
Will I have an ad-free experience when I’m using an AppMaker app?
If an article links to a page elsewhere on the internet, will our readers be able to go there?
Yes. People can use your app to surf the web. AppMaker is built on Chromium, which is what Chrome is built on. It offers a standard web browser experience.
How does the app update?
The app updates automatically.
If the app breaks, what should I do?
Contact the GreatFire team at sharing as much information as possible including:
Your phone model and version of operating system (OS)
The steps you took before encountering the issue
What you expected to happen
What happened instead
How can I know if my website is blocked in China? Is there a place I can go to test it?
We have a website for that! Check here:
Once I share the app inside a censored geography, how do I know it will continue to work? Is there any way for me to know or see if it goes down or if people have problems with the app?
You can use Google Analytics to track user performance for your website in any geographic location. You can also contact at any time if you have any questions related to analytics.